NGI Name: Grid Venezuela

National Grid Certification Authority URL:


EELA-2 Institutions participating in the JRU / NGI:


  • ULA (Universidad de Los Andes)


  • FUNVISIS (Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas)
  • UCV (Universidad Central de Venezuela)
  • USB (Universidad Simón Bolívar)


e-Infrastructure National Strategy: e-Science Initiative


National Level Projects: Being setup


Other Sources of Funding in Grid Area: ULA and local government


National Level Services: CA (Certification Authority)


National Research and Education Network: REACCIUN (Centro Nacional de Innovación Tecnológica (CENIT)
Red Académica de Centros de Investigación y Universidades Nacionales), connected to the RedCLARA Network at 45 Mbps.