The GISELA Science Gateway for VRCs

The Science Gateway is a Web site allowing users to fully exploit the e-Infrastructure capabilities through a normal web-browser implementing as main functionalities: simple authentication mechanisms (hiding digital certificates management) and intuitive user interfaces to execute Applications on the e-Infrastructure (hiding complex middleware interfaces).

The GISELA Science Gateway - GSG ( has been deployed at the beginning of the second project-year. It has been designed to be fully VRC-driven with a section specific to  each VRC supported. The GSG home page is shown below.





VRC sections and Applications deployed in the GISELA ScienceGateway



Applications in the VRC: Culturage Heritage



Applications to be integrated in the VRC: Cultural Heritage



Applications in the VRC: Earth Sciences



Applications to be integrated in the VRC: Earth Sciences



Applications in the VRC: Industry



Applications in the VRC: Life Sciences



Updated by Ph.Gavillet (August 2012)

WP4 cares of offering easy access to all kinds of users, of supporting all relevant services with the ultimate view  to establish a  self-sustainable e-Infratsruture.

On July 4, 2012 the CERN Director General announced the 1st observation of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson. The news transformed into a snowball being rolling all around the world in the TV and radio flashes thus generating a kind of "Higgsteria".

The GISELA Community was particularly excited by the information. Indeed several Latin American Institutions, members of GISELA, such as UFRJ (Brazil), UNAM (México), UniAndes (Colombia), etc. are using its e-Infrastructure, in the framework of the Computing model of the LHC experiments in which they participate. The picture below, shows the cumulative use of the GISELA e-Infrastructure by these institutions, for their various computing tasks such as simulation of physics processes, detector data processing and physics analysis. One should emphasize that Grid e-Infrastructures is a must for High Energy Physics experiments which could not otherwise deal with the sophisticated, CPU-consuming treatment of the data provided by their particle detectors. Hence it was really wonderful to observe, on a sensational case, the actual discovery power of Grid .


 The following figures show the GISELA e-Infrastructure contribution to the worldwide Grid usage, over Sep.2011 - Jun. 2012. All numbers  are given in wall time hours.


Elapsed wall time per VO


The graph  aggregates all VOs, regardless of discipline or VRC. The accounting method is described in detail on WP4 first deliverable.

Wall time hours per Resource Centre

Edited by Ramon Diacovo  27-Aug-2012
WP2: Dissemination and Outreach

The monitoring of the Network component of the GISELA e- infrastructure has been performed by WP5, using the perfSONAR middleware which enables to measure and display different parameters like: bandwidth, jitter, delay for every link in a multi domain networks. For this purpose WP5 has deployed monitoring points in several Resource Centers, as shown in Table 1.

WP2: Dissemination and Outreach













Table 1. Measurement Points installed in GISELA project




IP Address


Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS)


Consorcio Ecuatoriano para el Desarrollo de Internet Avanzado (CEDIA)



Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP)


Universidad de Los Andes (ULA)


Ticket System

To manage any network problem and attend any network provision request a ticket system has been installed. It can be reached using the link

During the 2nd year, WP5 has developed a monitoring platform (MonGISELA) that allows Users and Systems administrators to know, at any one time, the network status between two or more Resource Centers. The picture below shows the Home page of the MonGISELA prototype.


From MonGISELA, one can easily obtain real-time graphs of packet losses percentage and delay between RCs. The graph below shows the minimum and average delay (blue and red lines, respectively) and the packets lost percentage (black dots) between the UFRJ and CEDIA RCs on June, 27 2012.


Administration Procedures

The procedures to administrate the monitoring platform are described in the following document:

GISELA Network Resource Provision Operation Manual


Updated by Philippe Gavillet (July 2012)

WP2: Dissemination and Outreach